Affinity Group In Malta for Superyacht Conference

Affinity Group’s Director in Malta, Joanne and Senior Client Administrator, Emma are looking forward to participating in Quaynote Opportunities in Superyachts Conference 2023 on Thursday, 23rd March 2023, in Corinthia St, George’s Bay, Malta.
This gathering of experts, innovators, and industry leaders from around the world, presents a fantastic opportunity to engage in valuable discussions, share insights and expertise, and learn about the latest trends, opportunities and challenges in the superyacht sector.
Key trends will be covered that have shaped the superyacht sector in the last decade and what is changing the future of the industry, including technology, environmental concerns, geopolitical events and a whole new generation of owners. By bringing together industry leaders, the following questions will be covered to get feedback from the industry, and review what we can expect in the future;
*How do we attract more superyacht buyers?
*What will the yacht of tomorrow look like and how will it be used?
*Crew Issues - Attracting, training and retaining the right crew
*Supply & Demand: How well do Marinas & Refit facilities meet worldwide demand?
*Tackling the spike in on-board fires: Are lithium batteries the culprit?
*Cyber-security Workshop: How can you make the problems go away?
*Taxing questions: Our panel of experts focus on taxation in different jurisdictions.
Our team looks forward to networking with fellow professionals and exchanging ideas and perspectives; we cannot wait to be a part of it.”
For more information contact: Eliza Rayner at