APSA at the Singapore Yacht Show 2017
It is vital that Asia has a premier show for a region who’s yachting industry is still young but expanding rapidly. The world is watching Asia and will visit the premier yacht show which will be a venue for global networking, showcasing product and businesses, forums, conferences and discussions. The SINGAPORE YACHT SHOW is that premier yachting event on the Asia yacht calendar and we all need to support it to help build the industry over the entire region and make our industry stronger and more successful. To this end APSA is pleased to announce our new partnership with the SINGAPORE YACHT SHOW and we throw our entire association weight behind it to make it the very best it can be now and in the future.
Please visit the APSA LOUNGE our association booth. Our APSA LOUNGE participant members are SUPER YACHT SOLUTIONS, LODESTONE YACHTS, ANGLO EAST YACHT SERVICES, HAWK YACHTS, INDONESIAN MARINE SERVICES and INTEGRATED MARINE GROUP. These companies that hail from various countries in the Asia-Pacific region are all experts in their fields. Please read more about them in the pages of the Telegraph and pop by the APSA LOUNGE where they are ready to chat with you about what they do.

APSA is also happy to announce partnership with YACHTNEEDS, the rapidly expanding and world’s first superyacht app built around the everyday needs of the yachting community. YACHTNEEDS provides geo-positioned ports, anchorages, jet-ski rules and local services: from florists to engine parts, from English speaking doctors to the best restaurants and bars. APSA members will be all be listed on the app and have the chance to include premium content on it for a reduced APSA price.
We have also partnered with LUX INC MEDIA, producers of YACHTSTYLE magazine. Please check out the magazine and APSA will have a regular column in the publication, outlining news and events in Asia and beyond.
For anyone (members and non-members alike) in Hong Kong in May, please join us for the APSA Quarterly Drinks coming up on 25th May. The last drinks sponsored by Robinson Law Firm was extremely successful networking event, and beneficial to all who attended.
Our very popular APSA Guide 2016-2017 has had worldwide distribution and is on the bridge of most superyachts around the world as an invaluable reference to the services that is available to them around Asia. In the summer we will be producing APSA Guide 2017-2018 which will be a bigger, better and even more valuable resource for Captains, as we gather more information and listings from the region. There are advertising opportunities in the guide to showcase our members and we will be announcing this soon.
I want to personally send a warm welcome to new members NORTHROP & JOHNSON ASIA, NABS Engineering and PRIDE MEGAYACHTS; welcome to APSA and thanks for taking an active role in building our regional superyacht industry!
Finally we are excited to announce our new website which has just been launched and is designed to be exciting and easy to navigate. This was all completed in house by APSA’s own marketing and managing staff. Please check it out and send us your news so we can get it onto our site to and also out on social media to the many thousands of people that follow APSA. APSA’s goal is to make our members more successful, so please help us to get the word out about your company.
I wish everyone a fantastic and successful Singapore Yacht Show 2017!
Nigel Beatty, Chairman