Camper & Nicholsons Asia participated the official launch of Guangdong Hong Kong Macau Yacht Free Travel
Camper & Nicholson Asia is keen to support and expand the marine industry to its full potential. We are pleased to participate on the official launch of Guangdong Hong Kong Macau Yacht Free Travel on 16th December, 2017. From now on, the yacht that is registered in Hong Kong can now go to Shenzhen Bay Marina port, China and stay there for 183 days as a tax free visiting yacht. The yacht is allowed to cruise within the approved route and area in Guangdong water.
Shenzhen Bay Marina is the only port that is grant for the “Guangdong Hong Kong Macau Yacht Free Travel” scheme so far, the marina is about 25 n.miles from Central, Hong Kong. We hope that there will be at least 6 more marina ports in China that can be part of this scheme in year 2018.
Meanwhile, the maximum number of passengers permitted on board for all size of yacht cruising in China is maximum 12 people, including crew and guests. We hope this will change in the near future.