Chairman’s Message 31 December 2021

Chairman’s Message
APSA’s 10th Anniversary has been celebrated in several ways during 2021… just not all together as we would have liked! At the start of this year, we launched the APSA Grand Tour Series, and from that created the YouTube APSA Grand Tour Series channel. Throughout the year APSA members have received a twice monthly newsletter, and the APSA Guide 2021 10th Anniversary Edition was printed and distributed at the Monaco Yacht Show and METSTRADE. Hopefully, everyone has received their copies that were sent out in December. The 192-page tome is a significantly larger than previous editions, and the feedback so far has been positive.
APSA is delighted to welcome a new member Executive Marine (Western Australia), an accomplished marine management specialist group with international experience providing advice and services to government, commercial and private clients. This takes the total to nine new members in 2021 coming from various sectors of our industry; Marevisio (China), Asia Pacific Boating (Hong Kong), Azure Yacht Crew Health (USA), Cook Island Yacht Squadron and Maritime Cook Islands (Cook Islands), Global Yacht Services (Hong Kong), L.J Fiduciary (Isle of Man), and Superyacht 153 (Australia). We are also happy to welcome back a returning APSA member, Sevenstar Yacht Transport (Hong Kong).
And now here we are, winding up the year with our last ASAP Newsletter and in Mid-January we will start the year with a special online Edition of an APSA Telegraph as a wrap up to the 10th Anniversary Celebrations. Hopefully the printed broadsheets will be a feature at boat shows if they are able to be held next year. Covid restrictions may be with us for some time yet, so stay safe and carry-on yachting.
Happy New Year, wishing you all the best and let us know how we can help you for a prosperous for 2022.