CHEURAM connects Europe and Asia

Hong Kong-based and long-time member CHEURAM Consulting Group is regarded as a true legal and business link between Europa and Asia. With law offices in Hamburg, Germany and Antibes, France, Henning Schwarzkopf, licensed as a lawyer both in Germany and France and founder/managing director of CHEURAM connects its offices in Hong Kong and Singapore.
The company´s well-established Asian partner, Mr. Teck Wee NG of Singapore with his extensive experience in commercial shipping and ship finance compliments the firm´s maritime expertise in Asia.
Together, CHEURAM Consulting Group and Henning Schwarzkopf advise Asian shipping and yachting clients in China, Hong Kong and Singapore in various legal and business areas, e.g. company formation, partnership and joint venture agreements, marketing, approaching capital markets. At the same time, both offices in Europe, Hamburg and Antibes (with its proximity to Monaco) are ideally located and equipped to handle and serve European clients and their yachting and corporate law issues in Europe and Asia.
In a typical client scenario, a German yacht manufacturer wishes to expand to Asia by either building hulls in China or approaching distributors in Singapore or Hong Kong. Copyright considerations become very important along with practical issues such as setting up a local company or representative office, bank accounts and general business practices.
Similar questions occur when Chinese yards approach European customers and business partners. It is important that nothing is “lost in translation” (and more) which makes CHEURAM´S and Henning Schwarzkopf´s local presences such a valuable link.
For more information visit and or contact Henning at