Compass Fresh would like to announce some exciting news for this cruising season in Raja Ampat.
While the Komodo season was in full swing we did a lot of work in organising a dry goods storage facility in Sorong for all vessels and businesses to access. We would like you to know that we have a big supply of Indonesian export grade Milk range, Greenfields, as well as many dry goods stores including fruits(dried), nuts, seeds, oils, vinegar, pulses, flour & sauces and many more for you to purchase from Compass Fresh.
We all know the use of plastics has to decline particularly in this region if not throughout all of Indonesia and the world so we are delivering your goods purchased from our Sorong warehouse in plastic crates which we will collect and reuse to reduce waste. At Compass Fresh we are excited about this new green way of transporting your non-perishables in the region. If we do not contribute to using less plastic and trying to reduce our waste; our businesses and vessels will, unfortunately, seek to exist. No one wants that, do they?

Please contact us at Compass Fresh to join the revolution and help us start reducing waste by keeping Raja Ampat pristine and beautiful. The ordering procedure is still the same, just state in your purchase request which items from Sorong you would like. Your invoices will be a lot cheaper as your landing and packing costs of these Sorong purchased products has been significantly reduced due to the processes and procedures we at Compass Fresh have put in place.
Contribute to saving the environment and your wallet at the same time through purchasing your dry goods for the Raja Ampat season through Compass Fresh.
We wish you all a happy and busy Raja Ampat season and look forward to seeing you soon.