East Coast Collaborate by Leading Australia Marinas

Five leading marinas stretching from Sydney to the Gold Coast have collaborated to form the East Coast Luxury Aquatic Travellers Club or E.C.L.A.T. A strategic alliance between Gladesville Bridge Marina, Empire Marina Bobbin Head, Soldiers Point Marina, Sanctuary Cove Marina and Gold Coast City Marina & Shipyard, the group extends complimentary membership to its permanent marina clients who in turn benefit from reciprocal berthing at all the marinas in the group.
“There is a reoccurring theme among our marina clients. They are avid boaters and seeking quality marinas to stop in as their cruise the east coast of Australia. So E.C.L.A.T. was born as a way of giving those clients confidence and security they could utilise the marina network of likeminded facilities who treated them like long term clients,” explained E.C.L.A.T. founder Darrell Barnett CMM from Soldiers Point Marina.
The group has been functioning since 2013 and covers an area stretching from Sydney to the Gold Coast. The latest facility to join the group is Gold Coast City Marina & Shipyard (GCCM) significantly adding to the collective shipyard capacity of the group.
“We were impressed with the idea and customer service ethos behind the concept. Additionally, we are seeing an increasing number of cruising boats stopping in on the Gold Coast to complete annual maintenance work as part of the annual coastal itinerary so it made sense to join the group,” offered Mr Luke McCaul, General Manager of Customer Experience and Facilities Management at GCCM.
Throughout the restrictions imposed on boating during COVID-19, E.C.L.A.T. has taken the opportunity to refresh their website adding in up-to-date information on facilities and services at each member marina. With the new website platform, the group intends to further support clients with cruising itineraries, local information, and specials available to boats within the network.
“Although it very difficult to predict the future of state borders, boat owners within the marinas of E.C.L.A.T. will have access to expertise and support up the coastline for their travels and we encourage them all to be optimistic and about their plans to cruise our great coastline,” stated Darrell Barnett.
Any marinas interested in join E.C.L.A.T. should contact their closest member marina. Long term marina clients of the membership marina should contact their marina manager for more details on what is available to them.