Global Marine Travel Assists Crew Travel Repatriation

Global Marine Travel, with the assistance of V.Ships Leisure and Elnet Maritime Agency Limited, completed the first repatriation charter flight for 101 crew members working onboard Crystal Serenity – anchored just offshore Freeport, Grand Bahama.
The GMT Team also facilitated the second of three aircraft charters for the Cruise Ship Crew onboard Crystal Cruises Serenity. GMT not only ensured 140 crew members were cleared to leave the Bahamas, but also booked them on commercial flights all the way to their final destinations around the world from Miami.
Tim Davey, Managing Director of GMT, and the team at GMT oversaw the entire operation, ensuring all crew members cleared Bahamian immigration including the distribution of the crew passports along with COVID-19 test results, completed US attestation forms, and seeing to it that each crew member made their connecting flights upon arrival in Miami. GMT would like to thank everyone involved in making this expansive crew movement
Contact GMT if you need assistance with any upcoming crew movements, the company specializes in one-off, dry-dock, new-build or regular crew rotations. Request a quote: