GMT- Global Marine Travel Rugby Ball Photo Competition

If you were lucky enough to receive a GMT rugby Ball during FLIBS, then now is the time to enter the GMT Photo competition #AroundtheWorldwithGMT, and win a grand prize of a $500 travel voucher from GMT - Global Marine Travel. All you have to do is capture GMT Rugby Ball’s journey as it travels round the World, taking a picture of the GMT Rugby Ball in the most unique and exotic location you can find!
Share the photo on social media, either Instagram or Facebook and tag GMT-Travel using the hashtag #AroundtheWorldwithGMT. Write a creative caption describing the location and how the GMT rugby ball got to be there. The Contest Period runs from November 11, 2023 to January 22, 2024 and the winner will be announcement on January 26, 2024
Make sure you’re following on the platform you are submitting on: Instagram: @flygmt_travel or Facebook:
Multiple entries allowed.
Must have an official GMT Rugby Ball to enter.
Must be following Global Marine Travel to qualify.
Open to rugby fans worldwide.
Let the “games” begin! #AroundtheWorldwithGMT #FlyGMT