M/Y Kalizma Arrives in Sri Lanka

M/Y Kalizma -The Classic Superyacht that was once owned by the famous film stars Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton was the first Superyacht to berth in the new Colombo City Marina.
The Colombo City Marina is managed by the Sail Lanka Yachting Group (SLYG), Chairman Pierre Pringiers said; “The 145’ Kalizma, built in 1906 by GL Watson in Scotland, arrived from the Maldives on Sunday marking a milestone in the development of Colombo as a superyacht destination. To see this historic superyacht berthed in the marina is the fulfilment of a dream for me and is a fitting tribute to our staff who have handled the logistic and administrative details required. I also want to express my thanks to Colombo Port City and the Customs, Immigration, and all the agencies involved. I’m hoping that the arrival of Kalizma will augur well for the success of visiting superyachts and the opening up of Sri Lanka for cruising and yacht charter, one of the new pillars of the tourism industry”.
Kalizma is managed by India based West Coast Marine Yacht Services, Managing Director Aashim Mongia commented; “M/Y Kalizma has been cruising the Indian Ocean region for the last season. With the opening of the Colombo City Marina, it’s a boost in the arm for superyachts that visit the region and hopefully we will see more superyachts coming into the Indian Ocean Region for nautical tourism. We are thankful to the Sri Lankan Authorities, SLYG and the management of Colombo City Marina for all of their assistance in making M/Y Kalizma’s visit to Colombo a success. With the successful first visit we are hoping to bring more yachts to Sri Lanka to explore the untapped potential that the island nation has to offer.”