Online platform for the Cook Islands Ships Registry

The Administration has developed a new database system (Upvise) that has been customised to meet all our vessel registration and crew certification requirements for the Cook Islands Ships registry. The new system enables the administration to provide our clients with electronic Certificates in accordance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines as per FAL.5/Circ.39/Rev.2
The new system is efficient and effective and not only enables the Administration to meet its obligations and responsibilities, MCI Deputy Registrars and Surveyors are now able to access real time vessel and client information as well as access to the latest versions of our survey & Certification templates. Special features of the database enables the Administration to be able to generate electronically signed Certificates with Quick Response (QR) Codes for instant verification as to the validity of a Certificate.
The new system will eliminate slow and costly courier charges which often results in delays with delivering Certificates to the vessel and causes considerable cost to Owners and Management companies. Following the new system roll out, MCI has also recently introduced an online application form on the Maritime Cook Islands website at (Our Services > Online Application Form), where clients can now apply online and upload supporting documents.
Cook Islands Approved surveyors are able to complete surveys using a mobile app installed on their mobile phone or tablets. The app will allow surveyors to take photographs which will be automatically included into the survey report, to show compliance of the vessel. Applications for Cook Islands Endorsement are to be submitted online via the Maritime Cook Islands website. Letters of Acknowledgement and Cook Islands Endorsement Certificates are issued electronically and verifiable using QR Code technology. The e-certificates can be printed and presented to PSC when required.
Glenn Armstrong MCI Director of special projects said “We are excited about creating a state of the art, online platform for the Cook Islands Ships Registry that will provide secure access to our systems and data from anywhere in the world. The new digital system will enable us to provide a world class, speedy service while also remaining in control of the system and being able to audit for compliance”.