
StellarPM is offers a Remote Refit Service where pre-engineered modular manufacturing of custom yacht refit components provides quality parts built efficiently and cost-effectively. StellarPM creates concept designs, plans and photo-realistic virtual presentations to match a client’s vision and provides the necessary engineering and production planning to manufacture parts precisely.
“We can manufacture all aspects of a yacht refit from interiors to exteriors.” say Chris “The StellarPM management team will be on site to oversee the production process, and to meet the requirements of the design, ensuring the extremely high exacting standards expected from a StellarPM product. Our parts are manufactured, packaged, shipped and received by the StellarPM management team at shipyards around the world. We provide a highly efficient service, before and during the installation process. With a Guarantee!”
Modular manufacturing allows a major refit to commence whilst a yacht is still in service. Completed parts can be scheduled to arrive at any shipyard worldwide simultaneously as the vessel arrives, reducing costly yard fees, by substantially reducing yard time.
Manufacturing anything from full interiors to new transom sections with beach clubs to remodelled flybridges, StellarRENEW can save large yachts significant time and money and be more efficient than the traditional refit approach.
Whilst it may be perceived that Stella Refit is in competition with refit yards, Chris believes they are not. “In fact our service can help refit yards to dramatically increase their time and cost efficiencies and their bottom line. We are as happy to work for a refit yard as a client as the Owner or Captain of a yacht directly.”
Remote refitting is a new concept in the superyacht market. Not in the cruise ship market however, where drydocking is planned much further ahead, efficiencies are much greater than in the yacht market, and the cruise ship operators simply do not allow for their ships being out of service for anything but the bare minimum.
StellarRenew can 3D laser scan a yacht whenever it is out of the water, make a new interior/beach club/extension/flybridge/what have you during the season when the yacht is being used by the Owner or for charters, and then for a far shorter yard period than is usual can fit and install everything at the end of the high season. StellarPM renewal service minimises disruption to operations and allows Owners to capitalise on potential charter periods and when they themselves can use the yacht.
Production facilities are based in China and Vietnam, with the interiors being manufactured at StellarPM’s own modern furniture facility in Zhuhai, China, while anything metal or mechanical is manufactured in Vietnam.
In terms of how that fits into promoting Asia as a region for yachts to cruise, I think it could go hand in hand. In that if cruising itineraries were planned a reasonable time in advance, then a yacht could be scanned in situ and then have the refitted items fitted when they arrive at the yard in Asia with the items waiting for them.
There’s a brief brochure we put together on it for FLIBS attached and the link to the website page for it for similar content is :