Thailand Yacht Show (Pattaya) 2022

After four days, just shy of 5,000 smiling visitors made some big purchases, and TYS exhibitors and partners alike unanimously agreed that it was good to be back at a yacht show, networking with the industry again and that TYS Pattaya was exactly what the yacht industry needed.
With new models being showcased for many new entrants to the market, the show partners and exhibitors now have a raft of new customers coming to buy boats – it’s an exciting time for the yacht industry in Thailand. Shows like the TYS Pattaya are really about building the industry in Asia and growing new consumers from all around this huge, wealthy region where hardly anyone knows about the pleasures of boating” said Andy Treadwell the CEO of Verventia. “We should be much further forwards in developing the enormous potential here, and developing the market as a global yachting destination, with thriving local superyacht hubs.”
Verventia plays strategic role, with the support from the local government and the exhibitors, partners and sponsors. “We thank them for helping us make this first post-pandemic yacht show in Asia,” continues Treadwell. “The relative success over the past four days, means we can look forward to the next show being at least twice as big. Our exhibitors have been pretty well unanimous in saying they can’t wait to get back out there again and fully support all of Verventia’s projects. Everyone we spoke to during the show agreed that for the first yacht show in Asia after the pandemic – TYS Pattaya was relatively compact compared to pre-pandemic times, but it packed serious punch in terms of yacht and car sales onsite, lots of fun and a huge hit with exhibitors, sponsors, and visitors alike, with some great results. No less than six yachts were sold with another awaiting confirmation shortly, and five BMW cars were sold by the local dealer German Auto. Just as importantly, most exhibitors reported making a raft of new contacts with positive signs of future sales.”
TYS Phuket is coming up at the end of November and will be followed by the Singapore Yacht Show in April 2023. These are pivotal event that will help to grow the future of yachting and the superyacht industry in Thailand and Asia.