The Pacific: An Untapped Resource

Where do the opportunities and challenges for the superyacht market exist across the Pacific? How can the industry evolve to become truly global?
The superyacht industry has always considered itself to be a global enterprise. However, the truth of the matter is, that for all the industry’s rhetoric, the market has largely been focussed on the Mediterranean, US and Caribbean. This is not to say that the market has been at fault, but it has grown organically in the most popular regions, perhaps to the detriment of its development in other areas. Today, however, development is happening apace across the globe, aided by improvements to the vessels themselves, and this evolution is perhaps nowhere more telling than across the Pacific. The creation of a quality service network throughout the Pacific’s many and varied regions may, in fact, hold the key to superyacht market growth across a number of sectors.
The notion that superyacht ownership or charter is the same in any region of the world is misguided. Invariably, when one steps away from the tried and tested cruising grounds, there are compromising factors. What infrastructure, for example, is in place to service and maintain superyachts should they require it? Is superyacht-friendly legislation in place in a particular jurisdiction, and if so, what are its nuances? These represent just two examples of the myriad questions that must be posed when embarking on an ambitious or explorative cruising programme.
As part of an ongoing crowdsourced project, The Superyacht Group is inviting stakeholders to have their say on the developments and perceived issues associated with the superyacht industry across the Pacific.
This is not only the world largest ‘cruising ground’ but also its most diverse, and in many ways, it remains an untapped superyacht experience.
In April 2021 we will publish The Pacific Superyacht Report, which will signal the beginning of a long-term commitment to the development and growth of this region through education and information. As part of this issue we are calling for experts and stakeholders to collaborate with us, tackling conundrums such as…
Where in the world are strategic infrastructure projects underway and how do these tie in with the holistic superyacht experience?
- What are various regions doing to make themselves more attractive to superyacht visitation?
- How might island nations benefit from small populations and the ability to become COVID-free?
- What routes should be of particular interest to the yachting community?
- Which areas represent viable investment opportunities?
- What are the concerns with cruising in various regions and how do we go about resolving them?
- How are certain ownership demographics developing?
We invite the superyacht industry from all sectors to have their say, whether that be by providing a written contribution, a lead worthy of exploration, or by opening channels of communication with our editorial team.
If you wish to participate in this ongoing project, please contact and have your say.
Story by Rory Jackson