Water Revolution Foundation ‘Sustainable Yacht Design Taskforce’

Back from the Monaco Yacht Show 2021, where Water Revolution Foundation launched its new ‘Sustainable Yacht Design Taskforce’. A new collaboration of naval architects, interior and exterior yacht designers, dedicated to accelerating sustainability in yachting was launched on Thursday 23 September, 2021.
Initiators Winch Design and Vitruvius Yachts recognised the influential role designers have so early in the process of creating the next generation yachts. Having addressed this through four informal virtual roundtables with fellow naval architect and design studios, the desire for more structured collaboration was strong in order to, take on the biggest challenge of our time.
“I believe in the power of creativity to change the world. This is the strength of the architect and designer together. The new taskforce empowers us with the challenge of demonstrating directions towards sustainability.” said Philippe Briand - Vitruvius Yachts & founding board member of Water Revolution Foundation.
Taskforce chair Aino Grapin CEO of anchor partner Winch Design adds: “It is a much-needed message of hope that the international yacht design community comes together to work on sustainable solutions. It has been an honour and pleasure for me to chair this initiative and to now shift from reflection to real action. It makes me very optimistic that we will see ever more sustainable yachts grace our beautiful oceans.
And no better platform than Water Revolution Foundation to organise this ambitious collaboration. This ensures a combination of the right scientific approach for sustainability and the unrivalled accumulated knowledge and experience of this group.
“We’re very pleased with this important movement in the yacht design community” says Robert van Tol - executive director of Water Revolution Foundation. “The design influences everything that comes next. This is obviously a significant responsibility, but comes with even more significant opportunities!”
The name ‘taskforce’ was chosen deliberately, as this group will be output driven. Participants commit to actively collaborate and share knowledge and results from the assessments they will conduct with the foundation. This has been laid down in the taskforce’s values.
While continuously welcoming new committed studios, the group currently exists of:
Bannenberg & Rowell, Boutsen Design, De Voogt Studio, Dykstra Naval Architects, Espen Oeino International, German Yacht Couture Studio, Guido de Groot Design, Harrison Eidsgaard, Luxury Projects, Michela Reverberi, Merveille Yachts, RWD, Studio Delta, Van Oossanen Naval Architects, Vitruvius Yachts, Winch Design.
For more information: www.waterrevolutionfoundation.org/designers
Images of launch event: https://we.tl/t-oUEUACrFBP
Contact & questions: info@waterrevolutionfoundation.org