Superyacht UK
Marine House, Thorpe Lea Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 8BF, United Kingdom.- jsargeant@britishmarine.co.uk
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Company Profile
Superyacht UK is a unique membership only association, our mission is to represent the interests of the UK Superyacht industry both at home and internationally. Our members cover the diversity of the UK industry from leading naval architects to award-winning manufacturers, and all of our 250 plus members draw on this island nation’s rich heritage as seafaring pioneers and spearhead truly world-class products and services.
As part of British Marine, Superyacht UK champions UK innovation, excellence and heritage. We symbolise a badge of excellence within the international community for our member yacht designers, builders, equipment providers and destinations for yachts over 24 metres length over all.
The Superyacht UK (SYUK) committee steers the work of the association. Headed up by Peter Brown of Burgess the committee makes key decisions to ensure the services Superyacht UK delivers are relevant and meet the aim of the association: ‘to achieve greater co-ordination and professional support for the UK Superyacht sector with the aim of the UK gaining greater market share of the world Superyacht sector.’
- Association