Maritime Cook Islands
1st Floor, Browne’s Building, Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands.- +682 56632
- superyachts@maritimecookislands.com
- Web
Company Profile
Cook Islands operates an open register for ships and yachts via a network of Deputy Registrars around the world. Maritime Cook Islands performs all Flag State duties for the Cook Islands government through an agreement with the Ministry of Transport. As a ship or yacht owner, you can easily qualify to register ships or yachts through membership of the Cook Islands Ship Owners Association (CISOA) or Cook Island Yacht Squadron (CIYS or by establishing a Cook Islands International Company or by registering an existing Foreign Company on the Cook Islands International Companies Register. Cook Islands requires that all ships that fly our flag comply with all of the relevant international maritime conventions but we do not impose any additional requirements beyond IMO Conventions and IACS Unified Interpretations. Our ship or yacht registration process is simple and efficient and can be completed with assistance of your nearest Deputy Registrar. Maritime Cook Island will issue a Narobi Wreck Removal Convention Certificated and Bunkers Convention Certificates to ships registered in non-State parties with valid Blue Cards from an approved P & I Insurer. The online application process is simple and efficient and is accessible from anywhere in the world, 24/7 over 365 days a year.